SkyView Autopilot Level Button
The SkyView Autopilot Level Button button enhances safety by allowing the pilot or passenger to command the autopilot to recover the airplane from an unusual attitude. When pushed, the autopilot automatically engages (if not previously engaged) into the Straight and Level control modes. This means the autopilot will roll the wings to level and maintain the resulting heading (Straight Mode) while simultaneously pitching the nose up or down as required to return to the horizon and remain there (Level Mode).
Note that the STC requires that at least one level button is required by the STC. The SkyView Autopilot Control Panel features a built-in Level button. If the Autopilot Control Panel is not used, then this dedicated Level Button must be installed. More than one Level Button may be installed, allowing a button to also be located in the copilot position if desired.
The Autopilot Level Button matches other SkyView Control Panel dimensions and appearances, providing you with an elegantly finished instrument panel appearance. It's also backlit, with automatic SkyView-controlled dimming for night flight.
This kit provides the instrument panel mounted button, the wiring harness, and mounting hardware.
Included 60" harness will support location of the button nearly anywhere on a typical instrument panel. Also included is an in-line resister necessary for installation in aircraft systems with 24 VDC.
Functions with the SkyView system only.
These specifications are provided for familiarization only. For actual installation, please use the current full installation documentation.