Dynon Certified SkyView HDX Documentation
The documents and files found on this documentation website contain the information needed to complete, certify as airworthy, and maintain Dynon Certified products in the approximately 600 aircraft models that are on the Approved Model List (AML).
Note that some of these documents - per the STC - must be maintained as part of the permanent records for the modified aircraft.
In addition to these documents, customers installing the Dynon SkyView HDX STC in their aircraft need authorization from Dynon to use the STC. Such authorization is furnished by Dynon Avionics to the installing party as part of an authorized Dynon STC equipment purchase.

General Installation and Maintenance Information
The information listed in this section supports the installation and maintenance of the SkyView HDX System on any approved type certificated airplane.
Installation and Maintenance Documents
The following documents apply to the approximately 600 aircraft models that are on the Approved Model List (AML).
Updated Revision |
Title | Description | Action |
9/18/2024 Revision: D |
SkyView HDX Functional Overview | This document provides a high-level overview of the SkyView HDX System, its components, and their functions. This document is recommended reading for anyone new to the SkyView HDX System. | DOWNLOAD |
10/11/2024 Revision: Q |
SkyView HDX System Installation Manual | This document provides general instructions for installing the SkyView HDX System into any aircraft appearing on the STC AML. | DOWNLOAD |
10/26/2023 Revision: C |
D30 Installation and Maintenance Manual | This document provides instructions for installing and maintaining the Dynon D30 Touchscreen Electronic Flight Display in any aircraft appearing on the STC AML. | DOWNLOAD |
02/07/2023 Revision: E |
EFIS-D10A Installation Maintenance Manual | This document provides instructions for installing and maintaining the EFIS-D10A Standby Display in any aircraft appearing on the STC AML. | DOWNLOAD |
10/11/2024 Revision: E |
SkyView HDX System Equipment Installation Record | This form should be completed by the installer and entered into the aircraft maintainance logs. It provides a list of the SkyView HDX System components that have been installed, and where they are located in the airplane. | DOWNLOAD |
10/11/2024 Revision: N |
SkyView HDX System General Maintenance Manual | This document provides Part 23 Appendix A compliant instructions for continued airworthiness of the SkyView HDX System in accordance with CFR §23.1529. | DOWNLOAD |
Wiring Diagrams
Wiring diagrams are provided to support single-engine SkyView HDX installations and maintenance.
For the configuration files to work correctly, your airplane must be wired according to the SkyView HDX System Installation Manual and this diagram.
Updated Revision |
Title | Description | Action |
9/7/2022 Revision: G |
SkyView HDX Wiring Diagram - Single Engine | This document provides system-wide wiring diagrams for a single-engine SkyView HDX installation. It is designed to complement, not replace, the Installation Manual. | DOWNLOAD |
9/7/2022 Revision: D |
SkyView HDX Wiring Diagram - Twin Engine | This document provides system-wide wiring diagrams for a twin-engine SkyView HDX installation. It is designed to complement, not replace, the Installation Manual. | DOWNLOAD |
Generic Engine Monitoring Configuration Files
The following files generate a generic FAR-compliant 100% page, 50% page, and Bottom Band EMS display for four-cylinder and six-cylinder engines. Install the correct file for your engine in accordance with the instructions found in SkyView HDX System Installation Manual.
For these files to work correctly, the system must be wired in accordance with the SkyView HDX Syste Installation Manual and the SkyView HDX System Wiring Diagram. This file will configure the EMS Sensor Input Mapping information which establishes the assignment of EMS pins to functions. If your wiring is different, some editing of the EMS Sensor Input Mapping may be required.
After loading a configuration file, it is incumbent on the installer to ensure the engine information matches the limitations identified in the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) and its supplements.
Any indicators added by these files that are not required for your airplane may be removed using the Screen Layout Editor.
Updated Revision |
Title | Description | Action |
08/29/2023 | SkyView HDX Generic Single EMS 4 Cyl Display | This file is appropriate for airplanes with Lycoming or Continental four-cylinder engines. Parameters should be further tailored for specific engine/airframe application and operating limitations. | DOWNLOAD |
08/29/2023 | SkyView HDX Generic Single EMS 6 Cyl Display | This file is appropriate for airplanes with Lycoming or Continental six-cylinder engines. Parameters should be further tailored for specific engine/airframe application and operating limitations. | DOWNLOAD |
Operating Information / AFMS
The Airplane Flight Manual Supplement (AFMS) provides §23.2620 compliant instructions on how to operate the SkyView HDX System. This manual supplements the existing Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) published by the aircraft manufacturer. Per FAA regulations, this document must be stored in the airplane and available to the pilot for reference.
Updated Revision |
Title | Description | Action |
05/02/2024 Revision: V |
SkyView HDX System Airplane Flight Manual Supplement |
This pilot guide provides §23.2620 compliant supplemental flight information related to the SkyView HDX System installed in any certified aircraft covered by the STC AML. This AFMS is for SkyView HDX software version 16.7.2, and contains updates for Mooney autopilot operation and limitations. |
07/20/2023 Revision: A |
D30 Airplane Flight Manual Supplement | This pilot guide provides §23.2620 compliant supplemental flight information related to the D30 when installed with the SkyView HDX System as a standby display installed in any certified aircraft covered by the STC AML. | DOWNLOAD |