SkyView 5 Port Network Hub
The SkyView 5 Port Network Hub allows you to connect up to five SkyView Network Modules to the SkyView network, without any complicated wire splicing.
$67 - 5 Port Network Hub
Modules that connect to the SkyView Network include the following:
- SV-HDX1100/A 10” SkyView HDX Display
- SV-HDX800/A 7” SkyView HDX Display
- SV-ADAHRS-200/A SkyView Primary Air Data, Attitude, Heading Reference System (ADAHRS)
- SV-ADSB-472 SkyView ADS-B Traffic and Weather Receiver
- SV-ARINC-429 SkyView ARINC 429 Adapter Module
- SV-EMS-220/A SkyView Engine Monitoring System Module
- SV-MAG-236 SkyView Remote Magnetometer
- SV-COM-PANEL/V Vertical COM Control Panel
- SV-COM-PANEL/H Horizontal COM Control Panel
- SV-AP-PANEL/V SkyView Autopilot Control Panel (Vertical)
- SV-AP-PANEL/H SkyView Autopilot Control Panel (Horizontal)
- SV-KNOB-PANEL/V SkyView Knob Control Panel (Vertical)
- SV-KNOB-PANEL/H SkyView Knob Control Panel (Horizontal)
- SV-32/42/52 Servo
These specifications are provided for familiarization only. For actual installation, please use the current full installation documentation.